Chalk pastel. A memory of a relative's house. We slept in a room lined wall to wall with old dolls, and I was sure they were watching me while I slept.
Bathtime (2023)
Oil on canvas. As seen in a dream. Trapped in a tub with a big, dangerous fish.
Monstergirls: Sea Creature (2024)
Charcoal. First in the monster series. La criatura on the dock.
Monstergirls: Werewolf (2024)
Charcoal. Second in the monster series. The axwoman wolf in her woods.
Monstergirls: Manananggal (2024)
Charcoal. Third in the monster series. Manananggal vampire spied with flashlight.
Dark Painting Exercise (2023)
Oil on canvas. Exercise in dark color palette using my own shoes.
Map (2023)
Gouache. A zealot's map of the family base.
Id (2022)
Charcoal. Late at night when I begin to drift off, my fingers and toes feel like they're swelling to the size of bowling balls.
Mill (2024)
Watercolor. An abandoned mill I see out the window on the train.
Babymouse (2022)
Gouache. Microscoped mouse fetus.
Mummy and Her Kittens (2023)
Charcoal. Mother centipede and her nest of children.
Fungus (2022)
Charcoal. Cordyceps zombie, modeled from a friend.